Published: 16 May 2023
Known Uses
- Dutch governmental and Dutch Energy APIs make widely use of the page-based pagination variant. See for instance Section 14 of “API Designrules Extensions”.
- Nordic API distinguishes five types of pagination methods, see “Everything You Need to Know About API Pagination”.
Discussion Input and Recommended Reading
We see a current tendency in the industry to favor the use of the cursor-paged pagination variant. Examples include (just to mention a few):
- Slack: https://slack.engineering/evolving-api-pagination-at-slack/
- Zalando: http://opensource.zalando.com/restful-api-guidelines/#160
In the Dutch Energy sector we are analyzing this tendency.
The pattern was discussed rather intensively in week 2 of our “API Design Pattern of the Week” series on Linked In.
A very tricky pattern, each variant has its pros and cons and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all solution’. Real-time data and large datasets?: cursor-based pagination… Optimal DX and static data?: offset-based pagination…, just to mention a few. More decision drivers and design concerns in the book.

Read the complete pattern on api-patterns.org