
Published: 16 May 2023

Known Uses

  1. Dutch governmental and Dutch Energy APIs make widely use of the page-based pagination variant. See for instance Section 14 of “API Designrules Extensions”.
  2. Nordic API distinguishes five types of pagination methods, see “Everything You Need to Know About API Pagination”.

We see a current tendency in the industry to favor the use of the cursor-paged pagination variant. Examples include (just to mention a few):

In the Dutch Energy sector we are analyzing this tendency.

The pattern was discussed rather intensively in week 2 of our “API Design Pattern of the Week” series on Linked In.

A very tricky pattern, each variant has its pros and cons and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all solution’. Real-time data and large datasets?: cursor-based pagination… Optimal DX and static data?: offset-based pagination…, just to mention a few. More decision drivers and design concerns in the book.

Read the complete pattern on

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