Published: 20 August 2023
Known Uses
The Linked Information Holder pattern is mainly used in Dutch Government APIs and less in the Dutch Energy sector. Examples are below BAG APIs (BAG stands for Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen and translates to Basic Registration of Addresses and Buildings in the Netherlands) that provide current data about addresses, addressable objects, and buildings. The links are formatted according to the HAL specification:
- https://vng-realisatie.github.io/Haal-Centraal-BAG-bevragen/swagger-ui-IB
- https://vng-realisatie.github.io/Haal-Centraal-BAG-bevragen/swagger-ui#/Adres/raadpleegAdressen
URI templating is supported to provide a standardized and efficient way to build flexible and dynamic URIs, promoting consistency and ease of use.
Discussion Input
When the Linked Information Holder references another API endpoint, the question arises who is managing this second endpoint? The Linked Information Holder approach raises organizational questions such as ownership, support, and evolution strategies, especially when they point to other APIs. The Dutch API Design rules has an important note on cross-domain links:
“The only exception when navigation controls are allowed to point to other APIs is when they share governance and security context. When doing so, the governing party must guarantee stability of links between the APIs, which means the target operation of navigational links may never change during the lifetime of (a major version of) the originating API. They must also share the same security context, otherwise clients have to exchange mixed credentials for different endpoints.”
Another discussion point is how to cope with versions numbers in the URI (assuming that the Version Identifier pattern has been chosen) and how to minimize breaking links. A major release of an API results in a new endpoint containing an new version number. An idea to promote compatibility might be to provide two links to a referenced endpoint, a versioned one and one without without a Version Identifier. The latter will be provided as Linked Information Holders and will always redirect to the most actual versioned endpoint.
Very well stated in the book is that “API clients and providers must agree on the meaning of the link relationships and be aware of coupling and side effects introduced” (page 322). This is often a underestimated aspect in applying the hypermedia concept.
Recommended Reading
- Hypermedia module Dutch government (under construction): https://geonovum.github.io/KP-APIs/API-strategie-modules/hypermedia/

Read the complete pattern on api-patterns.org