Published: 20 May 2023
Perhaps one of the most frequently used design patterns, especially in combination with retrieval operations. Good to read that joint use of Processing Resource and Information Holder Resource is not recommended for microservices architectures (responsibility separation). And tagging the Information Holder Resource as one of the subtypes certainly adds semantics and expressiveness to the contract, establishing a ‘ubiquitous language’ used in API design… 👍
Known Uses
As already stated in the book, this pattern is widely used in may public Web APIs.
Known uses:
- https://data.overheid.nl/en (Dutch open Government data) and API example: https://developer.overheid.nl/detail/kvk-ondernemersplein/production/specification
- Dutch Statistics via the Dutch government developer portal: https://developer.overheid.nl/apis/cbs-cijfers
- The Association of Netherlands Municipalities: https://developer.overheid.nl/apis?organisatie=28110850&type=rest_json
- Dutch Energy sector: Mijn Aansluiting (“My Energy Connection Point”) offers an online platform offering functionalities for contractors and energy partners (grid operators and energy suppliers) on which they can communicate on the administration and maintenance of energy connection points. The APIs are available here: https://wiki.dsplatform.nl/index.php/API
There are many other known uses of this pattern, so above links just mentions a few. It’s a typical pattern used in governmental APIs.

Read the complete pattern on api-patterns.org