Published: 20 August 2023
Known Uses
- The Id Element pattern is very often used both locally within the API (like:
, JWT-token, API Keys, ETag) as also globally (like: EAN code, article codes, ISO country codes). - As stated on the pattern website Terravis uses different identifiers for parcels called electronic parcel ID – this is comparable with like the SSCC serial shipping container code in logistics and transportation: https://www.gs1.nl/en/barcodes/more-types-of-codes/serial-shipping-container-codesscc/.
- Zalando uses the
als local identifier for tracking purposes: https://opensource.zalando.com/restful-api-guidelines/#233. TheX-Flow-ID
and each API specification must be provisioned with a globally unique and immutable API identifier: https://opensource.zalando.com/restful-api-guidelines/#215. - A specific use of Id Element is the usage of an URN in the “instance” part of RFC 7807 to find the corresponding entry in error logs: https://github.com/VNG-Realisatie/gemma-zaken/issues/1495 (in Dutch)
- CloudEvents (Dutch NL profile) uniquely identify the event (the “id” is an required attribute may come in UUID or an ID counter maintained by the producer: https://vng-realisatie.github.io/NL-GOV-profile-for-CloudEvents/#context-attributes
- Globally unique identifiers are commonly used in the Energy sector and the Dutch governmental domain. In the Dutch Energy sector we work with unique company and connection point identifiers. An EAN code, also known as the European Article Number or International Article Number, is a unique barcode standard used to identify parties and products globally managed by GS1, a global organization that sets standards for various industries. The EAN code has a fixed structure, consisting of a country code, company code, product code and check digit. For instance, Alpiq AG (Balance Responsible Party) in Switzerland has EAN code 7609999121203. The company EAN code has 13 digits, connection points have 18 digits.
- Transaction log headers to make requests traceable throughout the network are: NLX is built as a core component of the Common Ground vision, which aims to convert or replace the current monolithic information systems of Dutch municipalities (and wider government) with a state of the art, API-first software landscape, fulfilling societal demand for automation, transparency and privacy: https://docs.nlx.io/reference-information/transaction-log-headers
- Next to the above EAN code also the ISBN is a nice example of an global identifier in URN format and an element of the Published Language in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). There are different explanations of the concept of published language in the DDD literature. One of them is that it should be governed by a domain steering committee — which is an industry standard set by a consortium. (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eP7o2YpweA&t=1182s) and a small thesaurus on Published Language: https://tdonker.github.io/domain-driven-design-links/publishedlanguage.html).
Discussion Input
- The EAN code of an electricity or gas connection and the associated consumption data is classified personal data which can be directly or indirectly referenced to an individual natural person. Additionally, many laws recognize special categories of personal data — which are sensitive data that require extra protection. Examples of such data include the Citizen Service Number, or ‘Burger Service Number (BSN)’ in Dutch. and health or medical information. This means that security and privacy are important considerations when designing an API in order to avoid exposing confidential Id Elements like EANs and BSNs as path parameters in the URI.
- According to the book, many “Id Elements typically also do not contain semantic type information” (page 281). This does not hold for the EAN and ISBN codes in the above examples.

Read the complete pattern on api-patterns.org