Event Typology

The different types of events and literature references

updated: 25.01.2025: Added SAP’s definition of Domain Events

Data event

  • Data events describe the state of an entity at a specific moment in time. They may be produced at a certain rate or if the state changes. Every data event at least contains the whole state of the entity but may also include the old state to allow consumers to detect changes. Data events do not contain the reason for the change. OTTO Consumer API Event Guidelines

Delta event

Discrete event

Domain event

Event-carried state transfer

Event notification

Mutation event

Pivotal event

  • Pivotal events indicate major changes in the domain and often form the boundary between one phase of the system and another. Pivotal events will typically separate (a bounded context in DDD terms). Pivotal events are identified with vertical blue painters tape (crossing all the swimlanes). Event-Driven Solutions in Hybrid Cloud (by Jerome Boyer 2024)

Summary event

Tombstone event

  • Kafka even has a convention to signify deletions: a message with a key but a null payload, also known as a tombstone. This indicates that the record should be deleted. Due to compaction, all non-tombstone messages will eventually disappear, leaving nothing but the deletion record (and that can be auto-compacted as well). Design patterns for asynchronous API communication (by Daniel Orner 2022)


When is an event NOT an event?

Data streams vs Event streams

  • Wanneer gegevens over gebeurtenissen geen metadata bevatten spreken we over data en data streams (bijv. bij sensoren die alleen een pakket ruwe data leveren). Als er wel contextgegevens aanwezig spreken we over events en event streams (bijv. bij gebeurtenisgegevens die op basis van metakenmerken moeten worden geïnterpreteerd om verwerkt te kunnen worden). Project Notificaties Architectuur p57

Event notification vs Event-carried state transfer

  • Notification events: less risk of data being out of sync versus Event-carried state transfer: higher risk of data being out of syncEVENT TYPES by David Boyne

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