Published: 18 May 2023
Known Uses
- RFC7807 is adopted by Dutch governmental API design rules, see Section 17 of “API Designrules Extensions”;
- Same in the Dutch Energy sector, which declared the RFC7807 members
as required; - Zalando http://opensource.zalando.com/restful-api-guidelines/#176 propose relative URI references in
field; - Swedbank pay https://developer.swedbankpay.com/introduction.html#problems.
Discussion Input and Recommended Reading
Discussion points:
- Should error handling include all possible errors or should it simply stop processing after the first error? The second scenario is how most APIs currently work since it less implementation effort. In case of Request Bundle (p292 of the book) first scenario is advisory;
- In the book (p290) it is stated: “Timestamps are another common information in Error Reports too”. Good point! However timestamp is not a member of RFC 7807 and seems to be absent in other alternative error response formats;
- Error reports should enable the receiver to be self-serviced. A talk given by Asbjørn Ulsberg is on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWIUn5BHDBc.

Read the complete pattern on api-patterns.org