Processing Resource

Published: 20 May 2023

The notion of Processing Resource as an endpoint role offering an activity-oriented API endpoint automatically brings us to the discussion how to define transactions as (REST) resources in the URI endpoint of the HTTP API. Should the URL be verb-free? This is still a hot debate in the REST API design community (so is the discussion between REST vs RPC). Some will argue that using verbs in data-oriented API endpoints will enrich the semantics of the API, others see it as an anti-pattern. Further inspiration on this subject: by James Higginbotham. This valuable link is of course provided in the book (amongst many others)!

Known Uses


The notion of activity-oriented API roles and processing resources endpoints is in the original literature very often associated with the controller resource archetype. Examples:

  • RESTful Web Service Cookbook (Allamaraju 2010): In order to abstract complex business operations (including transactions), servers may need to employ controller resources to make changes to other resources (e.g. Recipe 2.6);
  • REST API Design Rulebook (Massé 2012): A controller resource models a procedural concept. Controller resources are like executable functions, with parameters and return values; inputs and outputs;
  • Use verb to denote controller archetype;

Informative link and resource that talk about RPC and REST (understanding the difference might help in understanding the Processing Resource pattern:

With regard to the API endpoints must be verb-free debate it’s worthwhile to mention:

This is of course a simple fragment of what is being offered by the web community, hopefully it adds some inspiration and ideas!

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